Ingredients Needed:
• Hawaiin rolls or fresh sourdough slices
• Thin sliced pineapple
• Butter
• Ham or Canadian bacon
• Cheese Crafters Swiss Cheese Slices
• Sun dried tomato pesto
• Lightly spread the sun dried tomato pesto on the inside of the bread slices
• Slice the pineapple thin, about ¼ of an inch
• Place the Canadian bacon on top of the lightly spread sun dried tomato pesto
• Place the Swiss cheese slices on top of the Canadian bacon
• Place the sliced pineapple on top of the cheese slices
• Before placing the sandwich on the panini press/skillet - Lightly butter the outsides of the bread slices
• Put the assembled sandwich on the panini press/skillet at a high temperature & cook until golden on the outside of the bread
• Serve hot & enjoy!
Posted on 04/22/2016 at 06:29 AM