Meet Hollie!

Meet Hollie!

By: Debbie Barry, Account Manager

Hollie started with Winona Foods on January 11, 2016. Her role at Winona Foods is Transportation Planner.


A little background about Hollie: She is previously from a Large transportation company which she played out many roles as a support shift rep, participated in a Pilot program, went on to dedicated fleet and then Logistics. She has an associate’s degree in Applied Science, a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and is currently exploring her Master’s degree. She has a very active lifestyle with 4 children, Mya who is 17 years, Emily who is 12 years, Ben is 8 years and Kiara is 7 years old. They have 1 dog named Bruno who is 9 months old. Hollie spends her non-working time transporting to Volleyball, Tai Kwon Do, Cub Scouts, DI, dancing, Girl Scouts, soccer and swimming. She dedicates free time as a Girl Scout Troop leader, Spirit Gear Coordinator for the PTO and does a lot of School Volunteering. Her resting time is focused on yoga, fishing, boating, and gardening.
Hollie grew up in Ironwood Michigan but at 21 years moved to Green Bay. She is not a Packers fan (however, we can try “converting”) but a Detroit Lions fan!
I asked Hollie how she was liking the “cheese” business. She said what surprised her most was the “in depth process” cheese has.
It was great getting to know Hollie and she is a welcomed asset to Winona Foods, INC.